Data science and Big Data : Short Study Guide


    Data science and big data are vast fields, and this study guide provides a starting point. It's important to continuously learn, explore, and keep up with advancements in the field.

What Is Data Science?

Data science is a multidisciplinary field of study that applies techniques and tools to draw meaningful information and actionable insights out of noisy data. Involving subjects like mathematics, statistics, computer science and artificial intelligence, data science is used across a variety of industries for smarter planning and decision making.

Data science is the realm of data scientists, who often rely on artificial intelligence, especially its sub fields of machine learning and deep learning, to create models and make predictions using algorithms and other techniques.

Data Science Definition: Basics of Data Science

What Is Data Science Used for?

Data science is used by businesses of all kinds, from Fortune 50 companies to fledgling startups, to look for connections and patterns and deliver breakthrough insights. That explains why data science is a rapidly growing field and revolutionizing many industries. More specifically, data science is used for complex data analysis, predictive modeling, recommendation generation and data visualization.

Analysis of Complex Data

Data science allows for quick and precise analysis. With various software tools and techniques at their disposal, data analysts can easily identify trends and detect patterns within even the largest and most complex datasets. This enables businesses to make better decisions, whether it’s regarding how to best segment customers or conducting a thorough market analysis.

Predictive Modeling

Data science can also be used for predictive modeling. In essence, by finding patterns in data through the use of machine learning, analysts can forecast possible future outcomes with some degree of accuracy. These models are especially useful in industries like insurance, marketing, healthcare and finance, where anticipating the likelihood of certain events happening is central to the success of the business.
Recommendation Generation

Some companies, such as Netflix, Amazon and Spotify, rely on data science and big data to generate recommendations for their users based on their past behavior. It’s thanks to data science that users of these and similar platforms can be served up content that is uniquely tailored to their preferences and interests.
Data Visualization

Data science is also used to create data visualizations — think graphs, charts, dashboards — and reporting, which helps non-technical business leaders and busy executives easily understand otherwise complex information about the state of their business.

Data Science Tools

Data science professionals typically require an arsenal of data science tools and programming languages to use throughout their careers. These are some of the more popular options being used today:
Common Data Science Programming Languages:

• Python
• R
• C/C++

Popular Data Science Tools:

• Apache Spark (data analytics tool)
• Apache Hadoop (big data tool)
• KNIME (data analytics tool)
• Microsoft Excel (data analytics tool)
• Microsoft Power BI (business intelligence data analytics and data visualization tool)
• MongoDB (database tool)
• Qlik (data analytics and data integration tool)
• QlikView (data visualization tool)
• SAS (data analytics tool)
• Scikit Learn (machine learning tool)
• Tableau (data visualization tool)
• TensorFlow (machine learning tool)

Data Science Lifecycle

Data science can be thought of as having a five-stage lifecycle:


This stage is when data scientists gather raw and unstructured data. The capture stage typically includes data acquisition, data entry, signal reception and data extraction.


This stage is when data is put into a form that can be utilized. The maintenance stage includes data warehousing, data cleansing, data staging, data processing and data architecture.


This stage is when data is examined for patterns and biases to see how it will work as a predictive analysis tool. The process stage includes data mining, clustering and classification, data modeling and data summarization.


This stage is when multiple types of analyses are performed on the data. The analysis stage involves data reporting, data visualization, business intelligence and decision making.


This stage is when data scientists and analysts showcase the data through reports, charts and graphs. The communication stage typically includes exploratory and confirmatory analysis, predictive analysis, regression, text mining and qualitative analysis.

What Are Data Science Techniques?

There are lots of data science techniques with which data science professionals must be familiar in order to do their jobs. These are some of the most popular techniques:


A type of supervised learning, regression analysis in data science allows you to predict an outcome based on multiple variables and how those variables affect each other. Linear regression is the most commonly used regression analysis technique.


Classification in data science refers to the process of predicting the category or label of different data points. Like regression, classification is a subcategory of supervised learning. It’s used for applications such as email spam filters and sentiment analysis.


Clustering, or cluster analysis, is a data science technique used in unsupervised learning. During cluster analysis, closely associated objects within a data set are grouped together, and then each group is assigned characteristics. Clustering is done to reveal patterns within data — typically with large, unstructured data sets.

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection, sometimes called outlier detection, is a data science technique in which data points with relatively extreme values are identified. Anomaly detection is used in industries like finance and cybersecurity.


What is Big Data Analytics?

Big Data analytics is a process used to extract meaningful insights, such as hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, and customer preferences. Big Data analytics provides various advantages—it can be used for better decision making, preventing fraudulent activities, among other things.


Why is big data analytics important?

In today’s world, Big Data analytics is fueling everything we do online—in every industry.

Take the music streaming platform Spotify for example. The company has nearly 96 million users that generate a tremendous amount of data every day. Through this information, the cloud-based platform automatically generates suggested songs—through a smart recommendation engine—based on likes, shares, search history, and more. What enables this is the techniques, tools, and frameworks that are a result of Big Data analytics.


What is Big Data?

Big Data is a massive amount of data sets that cannot be stored, processed, or analyzed using traditional tools.

Today, there are millions of data sources that generate data at a very rapid rate. These data sources are present across the world. Some of the largest sources of data are social media platforms and networks. Let’s use Facebook as an example—it generates more than 500 terabytes of data every day. This data includes pictures, videos, messages, and more.

Data also exists in different formats, like structured data, semi-structured data, and unstructured data. For example, in a regular Excel sheet, data is classified as structured data—with a definite format. In contrast, emails fall under semi-structured, and your pictures and videos fall under unstructured data. All this data combined makes up Big Data.


Uses and Examples of Big Data Analytics

There are many ways that Big Data analytics can be used to improve businesses and organizations. Here are some examples:


              Using analytics to understand customer behavior to optimize the customer experience

              Predicting future trends to make better business decisions

              Improving marketing campaigns by understanding what works and what doesn't

              Increasing operational efficiency by understanding where bottlenecks are and how to fix them

              Detecting fraud and other forms of misuse sooner


These are just a few examples — the possibilities are endless when it comes to Big Data analytics. It all depends on how you want to use it to improve your business.


History of Big Data Analytics

The history of Big Data analytics can be traced back to the early days of computing, when organizations first began using computers to store and analyses large amounts of data. However, it was not until the late 1990s and early 2000s that Big Data analytics really began to take off, as organizations increasingly turned to computers to help them make sense of the rapidly growing volumes of data being generated by their businesses.


Today, Big Data analytics has become an essential tool for organizations of all sizes across a wide range of industries. By harnessing the power of Big Data, organizations can gain insights into their customers, their businesses, and the world around them that were simply not possible before.


As the field of Big Data analytics continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more amazing and transformative applications of this technology in the years to come.


Benefits and Advantages of Big Data Analytics


1. Risk Management

Use Case: Banco de Oro, a Philippine banking company, uses Big Data analytics to identify fraudulent activities and discrepancies. The organization leverages it to narrow down a list of suspects or root causes of problems.


2. Product Development and Innovations

Use Case: Rolls-Royce, one of the largest manufacturers of jet engines for airlines and armed forces across the globe, uses Big Data analytics to analyse how efficient the engine designs are and if there is any need for improvements.


3. Quicker and Better Decision Making Within Organizations

Use Case: Starbucks uses Big Data analytics to make strategic decisions. For example, the company leverages it to decide if a particular location would be suitable for a new outlet or not. They will analyse several different factors, such as population, demographics, accessibility of the location, and more.


4. Improve Customer Experience

Use Case: Delta Air Lines uses Big Data analysis to improve customer experiences. They monitor tweets to find out their customers’ experience regarding their journeys, delays, and so on. The airline identifies negative tweets and does what’s necessary to remedy the situation. By publicly addressing these issues and offering solutions, it helps the airline build good customer relations.


The Lifecycle Phases of Big Data Analytics


Now, let’s review how Big Data analytics works:

              Stage 1 - Business case evaluation - The Big Data analytics lifecycle begins with a business case, which defines the reason and goal behind the analysis.


              Stage 2 - Identification of data - Here, a broad variety of data sources are identified.


              Stage 3 - Data filtering - All the identified data from the previous stage is filtered here to remove corrupt data.


              Stage 4 - Data extraction - Data that is not compatible with the tool is extracted and then transformed into a compatible form.


              Stage 5 - Data aggregation - In this stage, data with the same fields across different datasets are integrated.


              Stage 6 - Data analysis - Data is evaluated using analytical and statistical tools to discover useful information.


              Stage 7 - Visualization of data - With tools like Tableau, Power BI, and QlikView, Big Data analysts can produce graphic visualizations of the analysis.


              Stage 8 - Final analysis result - This is the last step of the Big Data analytics lifecycle, where the results of the analysis are made available to business stakeholders who will take action.




Different Types of Big Data Analytics

Here are the four types of Big Data analytics:


1. Descriptive Analytics

This summarizes past data into a form that people can easily read. This helps in creating reports, like a company’s revenue, profit, sales, and so on. Also, it helps in the tabulation of social media metrics.


Use Case: The Dow Chemical Company analysed its past data to increase facility utilization across its office and lab space. Using descriptive analytics, Dow was able to identify underutilized space. This space consolidation helped the company save nearly US $4 million annually.


2. Diagnostic Analytics

This is done to understand what caused a problem in the first place. Techniques like drill-down, data mining, and data recovery are all examples. Organizations use diagnostic analytics because they provide an in-depth insight into a particular problem.


Use Case: An e-commerce company’s report shows that their sales have gone down, although customers are adding products to their carts. This can be due to various reasons like the form didn’t load correctly, the shipping fee is too high, or there are not enough payment options available. This is where you can use diagnostic analytics to find the reason.


3. Predictive Analytics

This type of analytics investigates the historical and present data to make predictions of the future. Predictive analytics uses data mining, AI, and machine learning to analyse current data and make predictions about the future. It works on predicting customer trends, market trends, and so on.


Use Case: PayPal determines what kind of precautions they must take to protect their clients against fraudulent transactions. Using predictive analytics, the company uses all the historical payment data and user behavior data and builds an algorithm that predicts fraudulent activities.


4. Prescriptive Analytics

This type of analytics prescribes the solution to a particular problem. Perspective analytics works with both descriptive and predictive analytics. Most of the time, it relies on AI and machine learning.


Use Case: Prescriptive analytics can be used to maximize an airline’s profit. This type of analytics is used to build an algorithm that will automatically adjust the flight fares based on numerous factors, including customer demand, weather, destination, holiday seasons, and oil prices.


Big Data Analytics Tools

Here are some of the key big data analytics tools:


              Hadoop - helps in storing and analysing data

              MongoDB - used on datasets that change frequently

              Talend - used for data integration and management

              Cassandra - a distributed database used to handle chunks of data

              Spark - used for real-time processing and analysing large amounts of data

              STORM - an open-source real-time computational system

              Kafka - a distributed streaming platform that is used for fault-tolerant storage


Big Data Industry Applications

Here are some of the sectors where Big Data is actively used:


              E commerce - Predicting customer trends and optimizing prices are a few of the ways                 e-commerce uses Big Data analytics

              Marketing - Big Data analytics helps to drive high ROI marketing campaigns, which result in improved sales

              Education - Used to develop new and improve existing courses based on market requirements

              Healthcare - With the help of a patient’s medical history, Big Data analytics is used to predict how likely they are to have health issues

              Media and entertainment - Used to understand the demand of shows, movies, songs, and more to deliver a personalized recommendation list to its users

              Banking - Customer income and spending patterns help to predict the likelihood of choosing various banking offers, like loans and credit cards

              Telecommunications - Used to forecast network capacity and improve customer experience

              Government - Big Data analytics helps governments in law enforcement, among other things


Thank you for reading. Happy Learning !

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