Easy steps to create blog on Google Blogger!!



Easy steps to create blog on Google Blogger!!


Easy steps to create blog on Google Blogger!!

If you want to express your thoughts over internet in a form of writing, then Blog is a great option you have. 

Google’s Blogger is a free & simple blogging platform which comes with various tools. Below I have mentioned easy steps to create a blog on Blogger.

Create Your Blog

Only prerequisite here is you need a Google account.  If you don’t have one, you can create it from here.

Once you’re logged in, click the nine-dot grid in the top right to open the list of Google apps and then click the “Blogger” icon.

On the page that opens, click the “Create Your Blog” button.

Choose a display name that people will see when they read your blog. This doesn’t have to be your real name or your email ID. You can change this later as well.

Once you’ve entered a name, click “Continue to Blogger.”

You’re now all set to create your blog. Go ahead and click the “Create New Blog” button.

The “Create a New Blog” panel will open, where you need to choose a Title, Address, and Theme for your blog.

Address should be unique for every blog, hence check availability of your desired blog address. In my case title is Venue4Tech - Tech Blog and Address is Venue4Tech.blogspot.com

Theme is the layout and colour scheme for your blog. All this can be changed later, so it’s not necessary to get these perfect right away.

Bottom of Form

Once you’ve chosen a Title, an available Address, and a Theme, click the “Create Blog!” button.


Google will ask if you want to search for a personalized domain name for your blog, but you don’t need to do this right away. Click “No Thanks” to proceed. (Note - If you already have a domain you want to point your blog to, you can do this at any point in the future, but it’s not mandatory)

This way your blog will be created. Now you’re ready to write your first blog post. To do this, click the “New Post” button.

This will open the editing screen. There are lot of things you can do here, but the basics are to enter a title and some content.

Once you have written your post, click “Preview” to see how it will look and click “Publish” to make your post live. This will make it available for anyone on the internet.

You’ll be taken back to the “Posts” section of your blog. Click on “View blog” option available on the left side pane.  If you are accessing it from mobile device, click on three grid lines icon on the top left corner where you will find "View blog" option. 

You will find your blog and post gone live and available for everyone over internet.

It can take up to 24 hours for your blog and new posts to appear in search engines, so don’t be upset if you Google your blog’s name and it doesn’t appear in the search results right away. It will come up soon. In the meantime, you can promote your blog on Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media channel.

How to change the Title & Address of Your Blog

Once you created your blog, you have already given it a Title & an Address. To modify these parameters, click on the "Settings" option given at the bottom left side. 

First comes the option to change the title, where you can update the title that you want. If you scroll down a bit, you'll get the option to change the address as per the availability. 

Be careful about changing the address: Any links you’ve shared previously will no longer work because the URL will have changed. But if you haven’t published much (or anything) yet, this won’t be a problem.

How to change Theme of your blog?

To change the Theme of your blog (the layout, color, and so on), click the “Theme” option given at the bottom left side.

You have variety of themes to choose, and once you’ve selected one, which will provide the general layout and colour scheme, click “Customize” to manually make advanced changes in layout, background etc.

There is much more at Blogger do explore, but above listed are some basics for a beginner. You can go ahead and find out more options, be creative with design and provide a quality content at Blogger. I wish you good luck.


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